Feb 17, 2009

Transformers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen

The Fallen is one of the original thirteen Transformers created by Primus, the robot who would become the Fallen betrayed his creator by siding with Primus's dark twin, the malevolent planet-eater Unicron. In the final battle between Primus and Unicron, the Fallen fell victim to the same fate as his master, sucked through a black hole into another dimension. However, while Unicron emerged in another universe, the Fallen was not so fortunate, finding himself trapped in the "underspace" between dimensions.


Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) discovers something about the origins of the Transformers and their history on Earth. The evil Decepticons need to capture him for information. The climactic battle takes place at the Giza pyramid complex, where a temple is located within. Lorenzo di Bonaventura explained the film will show the Transformers who visited Egypt before the pyramids were built, and "all our heroes end up here because of the Decepticons' masterplan." Furthermore, Egyptian hieroglyphs resembling helicopters and other present day vehicles in real life will be explained in the film as being depictions of those Ancient Cybertronians who visited Earth.

Feb 15, 2009

Dragon Ball Evolution

From Comic Book To Anime and now to the big screen Dragon Ball will be release this year, i have seen the previews and so far i feel that this version will not be as good as the comic book or the anime cartoon just doesnt feel like they accept the concept of the anime or comics, we will see if this lives up to the expections that many have gave it,